Dinu’s Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Internet Resources for therapists and clients

ACT Treatment Protocols and manuals, and diverse ACT audios & videos

Et bilde som inneholder fjell, utendørs, natur, vann

Automatisk generert beskrivelse

Photo: Formo Kampen Rondane Otta Norway (kjør til Høvringen til Putten, og fra Putten gå til toppen)

This site has been made in the spirit of Ulpian’s iūrisprūdentia:

Juris praecepta sunt haec: honeste vivere, alterum non laedere, suum cuique tribuere

     («Disse er de juridiske reglene: lev hederlig, ikke skad andre, og gi alle det de fortjener»)


NOTE: This site is for all humans that wish to Open Up to a New Possibility of Acceptance of Love instead of fear in the Service of the Truth- The One and Only. Many thanks for all the ACT creators of worksheets, manuals and on-line courses in the Service of the Truth-the Good- and the Beautiful.                                                                                   

Last modified: 28.09.21

DISCLAIMER: Read the disclaimer and warnings!!! (Les ansvarsfraskrivelse og advarsler!)


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3.  Kriseplan for ACT: HOLD UT I KRTISER !



4.  Ressurser på norsk (storsamling av ressurser for behandling av rus og psykisk helse)


5. Visualiserings psykologi (selv-bilde & mestring)


6. The hero’s journey- motivation-goals-addiction


 7. Norsk ACT Ressurssiden


8. ACT-NÅ (Bildenarrativet-23-11-2020)


9.  Sykehuset i Vestfold- (ACT ressursside)


10.  Audio Ressurser for ACT (Mindfulness, Defusion, Acceptance, Observer Self)


11.  Valg Punktet - ACT arbeidsark

12.  Choice Point- ACT worksheet

14.  The Awareness Page

15. Videoer med ACT-NOW (visualiserings øvelser)

16. Neuroscience and ACT

17.  MBCT (Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy)

18. Clinical resources from CCI


On-line training in ACT for clients and clinicians

19.  A Toolkit Based on ACT (Principles of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy)

 created by Jeremy Jenkins & Andrew Ahles (Help with ACT)


20.  PDF Clinician’s Guide to the toolkit by Jeremy Jenkins & Andrew Ahles


21.  Six ACT Conversations from RMIT University (is an experiential website, capability and skill building educational program using ACT)






ACT- Videos


Passengers On A Bus - an Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT) Metaphor



1. Psychological flexibility: How love turns pain into purpose | Steven Hayes | TEDxUniversityofNevada

What can we do to prosper when facing pain and suffering in our lives? More than a thousand studies suggest that a major part of the answer is learning psychological flexibility. Steven C. Hayes is one of the researchers who first identified that process and put it into action in the form of a popular acceptance and mindfulness method called Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. In this emotional talk, Hayes distills the essence of psychological flexibility down into a few easy to understand sentences. He takes viewers through a harrowing journey into his own panic disorder, to the very moment in his life when he made this life changing choice: I will not run from me. Hayes shows how making that choice allows us to connect with our own deep sense of meaning and purpose, arguing that taking a loving stance to your own pain allows you to bring love and contribution into the world. Steven C. Hayes is Nevada Foundation Professor at the Department of Psychology at the University of Nevada. An author of 38 books and more than 540 scientific articles, he has shown in his research how language and thought leads to human suffering, and has developed “Acceptance and Commitment Therapy” a powerful therapy method that is useful in a wide variety of areas. His popular book “Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life” was featured in Time Magazine among several other major media outlets and for a time was the number one best selling self-help book in the United States. Dr. Hayes has been President of several scientific societies and has received several national awards, such as the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx


2. Russ Harris | The Art of Defined Values and Happiness -



Happiness is not meant to be a permanent state you exist in, but if you’re not meant to just feel good all the time, what is the end goal of creating our happiness and how do we approach the inevitable pain and suffering we all face in life? #russharris #happinesstrap #artofcharm What to Listen For -Why can negative emotions be your best friend when it comes to your happiness? -Russ Harris debunks the popular myths about happiness and explains how they can actually lead you to be miserable -In what ways are meaning and purpose related to your ability to maintain your happiness in the long term? -How does Russ Harris define a rich and meaningful life that leads to an overall feeling of happiness? -What can you do to be more comfortable and accepting of “negative” emotions and how does doing so help you avoid suffering? -What is the difference between values, virtues, and morals? -Why is it so important to define your values if you want to lead a rich and meaningful life full of happiness? -Russ Harris explains what the “reality gap” and “reality slap” are and how your awareness of them can lead you to better handle life’s challenges -What is the magic wand question and how can you use it to narrow down your most important values -How do you translate values into goals and action plans to ensure you don’t stagnate? One of the most popular myths revolving around happiness is this idea that once you “achieve” it you’ll transcend feelings like anger, sadness, pain, and hate, but these are all part of the full depth of human experience. To attempt to remove them from your experience is to remove a part of your humanity. We utilize all of our feelings and emotions to better understand ourselves and the world we live in. Instead, we want to change the way we look at such emotions, strive to understand what is causing you to feel unpleasant emotions, and make better choices about how you respond to them when you start feeling them. Finally, we want to learn to look inward for explanations instead of reacting outward with blame and spite. Resources from this Episode The Happiness Trap: How to Stop Struggling and Start Living by Russ Harris: https://www.amazon.com/Happiness-Trap... Mindfulness Myths on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_gXW... The Choice Point on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OV15x... ACT Questions and Answers: A Practitioner's Guide to 150 Common Sticking Points in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy by Russ Harris: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07... Do you want to turn small talk into smart talk?  Get Accelerated  👉https://bit.ly/comacceler Subscribe to our Youtube Channel: https://bit.ly/taocsubscribe Subscribe to The Art of Charm Podcast in iTunes: http://bit.ly/166Lw3U Official Website: https://theartofcharm.com/ Join The Art of Charm Challenge: http://www.theartofcharm.com/challenge/ Follow us on: -Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheArtofCharm/ -Twitter: https://twitter.com/theartofcharm -Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theartofcharm/ -LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/TheA... Top 5 Guest Interviews of All Time Kobe Bryant on Mamba Mentality https://youtu.be/OOoURnvTRu4 Jay Shetty on Overcoming Self Doubt https://youtu.be/OOoURnvTRu4 Eric Weinstein on Overcoming Bias https://youtu.be/dQhOgwu2eZc David Goggins on Building Mental Toughness https://youtu.be/ueNtejxVY24 Charles Duhigg on Developing Success Habits https://youtu.be/qjydQpvXczo Top 5 Social Skills Toolbox Episodes Art of First Impressions https://youtu.be/ioQrinlWzR8 How To Talk To Strangers https://youtu.be/y7FrWZCwi9A Leaving Toxic Relationships https://youtu.be/GiogVWmQ9Oc The Art of Compelling Conversations https://youtu.be/JlHa0naefb8 Charismatic Body Language Tips https://youtu.be/_F99kE-OdMc Top Videos to Sharpen Your Social Skills How To Talk To Anyone 5 Tips https://youtu.be/Oq-IvIxbHSE Never Run Out of Things to Say (3 Tricks) https://youtu.be/4H_WsG-1B0U How to Know if You Made the RIGHT Decision https://youtu.be/M95fX7gNm9I 5 Social Skills Mistakes Logical People Make https://youtu.be/3OSiVa6qldk Recognizing Emotional Bids (Instantly Connect With Anyone) https://youtu.be/kNyy7ar2g0k


3. The Struggle Switch - By Dr. Russ Harris

Dr. Russ Harris, Acceptance & Commitment Therapist, explains the struggle switch metaphor through this entertaining and educational clip.



4. Sushi Train Metaphor by Dr. Russ Harris

The Sushi Train metaphor offers a great tool for unhooking from difficult or unhelpful thoughts



5. Question Time With Russ: Universal Suffering

In our new weekly video series, we explore the theme of 'universal suffering' and how we can better manage uncomfortable emotions.



6. Introducing Fusion - Evolution of the Human Mind



7. Defusion - I'm noticing I'm having the thought...

How do you relate to difficult thoughts? Do you believe them, struggle with them, or simply notice them?



8. Demystifying ACT - Defusion

This video is part of the webinar “Demystifying ACT” and is made available to Social Work & ACT through the generosity of DJ Moran Ph.D.



9. Internal Struggles by Dr. Russ Harris

This entertaining animation illustrates the internal struggles we have with our thoughts and feelings, and how to step out of them. Written and narrated by Dr Russ Harris, an acclaimed ACT trainer and author of The Happiness Trap, this animation takes you through the classic ‘chessboard



10. Thanking Your Mind: Taking The Power Out of Difficult Thoughts


In this light-hearted video, Dr Russ Harris, author of the international best-seller The Happiness Trap, illustrates a technique from ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy). Called ‘Thanking Your Mind’, this is a simple but powerful method for taking the impact and power out of difficult,


11. Question Time with Russ: Positive Thinking

In our new weekly video series, we're exploring the popular notion of 'positive thinking'.



12. The Happiness Trap: Evolution of the Human Mind

Did you know the human mind has evolved in such a way that it naturally creates psychological suffering? Find out more in this exclusive clip from Dr. Russ Harris's Happiness Trap 8-week online program! www.thehappinesstrap.com



13. The 3 Happiness Myths

This entertaining animation illustrates the 3 happiness myths that we have been lead to believe, involving our thoughts and feelings. Written and narrated by Dr Russ Harris, an acclaimed ACT trainer and author of The Happiness Trap.



14. The Values-Focused vs The Goals-Focused Life

Will getting that great job or house really make you happier? In this fun & entertaining video, Dr. Russ Harris, Acceptance & Commitment Therapist, explains the important distinction between living a goals-focused vs a values-focused life... and why living in accordance with your innermost values can lead to a more rich, full, and meaningful life.


Values-Focused Life Versus Goal-Focused Life' animation



15. Question Time With Russ: Goals Versus Values

In this week's clip, Russ explains how 'goals' differ from 'values'


16. The Happiness Trap: Being Present

During week 4 of the Happiness Trap 8-week online program, you'll learn: - Mindfulness without meditation. - How to live in the present moment.



17. Question Time With Russ: Understanding Mindfulness

This week, Russ explains how mindfulness works and why we should be practicing it. Find out



18. What happens to our brain and body when we practice mindfulness?

In a tick under 2 mins - What happens to our brain and body when we practice mindfulness and why it really is an awesome thing to do



19. The Happiness Trap: The Five Mindfulness Myths

In this exclusive clip from The Happiness Trap online program, Russ debunks the most popular myths about mindfulness.



20. The Happiness Trap: Motivation https://yt3.ggpht.com/a/AATXAJwGTunKt-KuigsE5wP_WdRwZdHIiL83EBZIgg=s48-c-k-c0xffffffff-no-rj-mo


The Happiness Trap

In this exclusive clip from the Happiness Trap Program, Russ explores 'motivation' and why it can sometimes elude us



21.The Happiness Trap: How Do We Motivate Ourselves To Do Difficult Things?


Staying motivated when we are doing something we love or find exciting can feel easy, but how do we stay motivated when doing things we find difficult? Russ Harris gives some great tips in this short clip. For more helpful tips, visit www.thehappinesstrap.com



22.The Happiness Trap: How do I define my personal values?


In this exclusive clip, Dr Russ Harris explains hows to identify your personal values. Find out more at www.thehappinesstrap.com





23. The Choice Point: A Map for a Meaningful Life

In this playful animation, Dr Russ Harris, author of the international best-seller The Happiness Trap, illustrates a simple but powerful tool from ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy), called ‘The Choice Point’ . This tool provides a way to quickly identify the source of your biggest problems



24. Evolutionary Roots by Dr. Russ Harris




25. The Three Main Parts Of Your Brain by Dr. Russ Harris



26. The Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous Systems by Dr. Russ Harris



27. The Limbic Brain And Its Role In Trauma



28. Three Meanings of Freeze In Trauma





The Happiness Trap Online 8 week-Program

. Find out more at https://thehappinesstrap.com/8-week-p...

1. Russ Harris | The Art of Defined Values and Happiness -



2. Chasing Happiness

What's the most important thing in life? A lot of people, when first asked this question, answer... HAPPINESS!



3. Introduction | The Happiness Trap Online Program

Learn life-changing skills and strategies to help you build more rich and meaningful life.


4. Depression | The Happiness Trap Online Program

An exclusive snippet from The Happiness Trap 8-week online program.


5. The Happiness Trap Online Program Week 1: Happiness and Suffering

During week 1 of the Happiness Trap 8-week online program, you'll learn: - The "happiness trap": how popular notions of happiness make us miserable. - Why we all suffer, and what we can do about it.



6. The Happiness Trap: Get off the Hook

During week 3 of the Happiness Trap 8-week online program, you'll learn: - How our minds have evolved to think negatively (and why positive thinking often fails). - How to take the power out of unhelpful thoughts. - How to disrupt worrying, rumination, and other unhelpful thinking processes. - How to break free from self-judgment, self-criticism, or self-hatred. - How to transcend self-esteem




7. Torch In The Dark - Metaphor for Self-as-context (the Observing Self)

A simple metaphor for self-as-context



8. The Art and Science of Self-Compassion: Russ Harris Interviews Dennis Tirch - Part 1

In this three-part interview, Russ Harris interviews Dennis Tirch



OTHER ACT VIDEOS from other therapists

1. Joe Oliver

Demons on the boat - an Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT) Metaphor



Passengers On A Bus - an Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT) Metaphor



Dr. Russ Harris offers:

·        The Happiness Trap Online Program:


·        Free resources:


·        Live workshops:

·        http://www.actmindfully.com.au/

·        Online training: 


·        Workplace health:
